Architecture in buildings-- bring in-house aesthetics and office routine into reality
Due to the social background of the "pandemic" and "5G", spatial planning, behavior guidance and office features of home work will be effectively changed and innovated. However, the real intention of interior design is ultimately to focus on the scale of people. "Home office" is the first level guidance of interior design practice, while "emotional flow" is the second level guidance with more heart and full of human concern.
The ideas and approaches are rooted in modernism architecture design context, with Swiss architect Zumthor's Hotel Therme Valsbody architectural thinking as the main source of reference, combined with the designer for a lot of understanding of the relation between architectural space and normal space, creating brand-new deduce characterization of interior space, building the harmony relationship between space, the space with the audience, and the audience.
【建筑不再是单一的纸上空间,质感极佳的肌肤之上感受透视性与流动性】 热气、天光、水声、回音.......是卒姆托的挚爱语汇,它们构成了建筑体的身体热度 空间变化的小透视中,建筑语汇与设计概念并不汲于抽象表达,而是办公、言说、休憩、情感表达、视线交错、生活起居等行为触点,真实地流动于空间内部。手与脑,身与心,一切皆在空间场所的牵引下动情发生着,成为基地环围中的内化线索