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过白美学 | 慢刀 万象城

16185 2023-09-01T16:36:41 26 [佳作]
设计机构: 武汉过白美学空间设计顾问有限公司
过白美学 | 慢刀 万象城说明:





Interior Design: Zhou Kun | Zhou Di

Design company: WSAD

Project address: Wuhan, Hubei

Project area: 300 ㎡

Main materials: stainless steel, wood veneer, silk glass, art paint, stone, etc


The restaurant is located at the end of the mall. Air conditioning, fresh air, fire protection and other necessary measures cover the entire top surface. Moreover, the restaurant has a long and narrow opening. The whole restaurant is using the idea of widening space. The top mirror surface is stainless steel, and the wall mirror surface with a large proportion is good at increasing the space level.

餐厅处于商场末端,空调,新风,消防等必要措施,布满整个顶面,而且餐厅开间狭长,整个餐厅更多的在用拓宽空间的思路,顶面镜面不锈钢,墙面大比例的镜面,都是很好的在增加空间的层次。 The restaurant is located at the end of the mall. Air conditioning, fresh air, fire protection and other necessary measures cover the entire top surface. Moreover, the restaurant has a long and narrow opening. The whole restaurant is using the idea of widening space. The top mirror surface is stainless steel, and the wall mirror surface with a large proportion is good at increasing the space level.


The middle partition echoes the top surface of the arc from top to bottom. The stone in the corridor, the silk glass on the partition, through the mirror steel on the top surface, echoes the orange color on the dining opening. It is like sailing on the river with three or five friends, enjoying the beautiful scenery described in

中间隔断与弧形的顶面上下呼应,过道的石材,隔断上的夹绢玻璃,透过顶面的镜钢,与出餐口上的橘色交相呼应,犹如与三五好友,泛舟于江面,欣赏如《滕王阁序》中所描绘的“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”的美景,此刻,世事已与我无关。 The middle partition echoes the top surface of the arc from top to bottom. The stone in the corridor, the silk glass on the partition, through the mirror steel on the top surface, echoes the orange color on the dining opening. It is like sailing on the river with three or five friends, enjoying the beautiful scenery described in "Preface to Tengwang Pavilion" that "sunset and lone ducks fly together, and the autumn water is the same color as the sky". At this moment, the world has nothing to do with me.

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